A Dog Vacation

Starts with
The Meet and Greet

For a dog, a dog vacation should be loads of fun.

For me, a dog vacation is a serious thing.  I work hard to make sure your dog’s vacation IS fun. It all starts with a successful meet and greet.

Let me tell you now, when I meet you and your dog I am going to be honest. I will talk to you about your dog’s behavior during the meet and greet, the good and the bad. If it’s all good, Fantastic! If it’s not, well, I’ve been involved with dog rescue and dog boarding for decades. I understand dogs and I know how to handle them. What you worry may be a deal breaker, I may be perfectly fine with. And if I am not, I will explain to you exactly why and give you suggestions/recommendations to help you going forward to live with and resolve those issues.

I like to set up the meet and greet to succeed right off the bat. I know your arrival time so my dogs should be in the house when you arrive. Just in case, if you see them out text me and I will get them in. That gives us time to go slow and begin with giving your dog time to explore the yard and relax before meeting my dogs. 

Then my dogs come out one at a time, beginning with Muirna. Muirna has excellent dog to dog skills. She begins with a friendly approach and if met with any negative energy will look away and do what she can to diffuse the situation, but most every dog loves Muirna!

Then the challenge: Zia. Zia is my scaredy cat. She loves small dogs and is friendly from the start with them but she is terrified of every big dog she meets. Unfortunately, she tries to act like a mean dog and scare the new dog away. It’s all show and once she realizes the new dog is a nice dog, she quits the act.

Until that happens, I stay close to give Zia a bit of confidence and make sure everything goes smoothly. I have yet to have anything go wrong at this point. I know dogs, and if I’ve brought Zia out, I am already confident that the new dog is a good fit with my girls. I could tell from the dog’s reactions and interactions with Muirna.

That’s it! A successful meet and greet!  Welcome to our home.

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