Farewell GG

Farewell GG

I lost my dear senior Pomeraninan, GG, to a severe collapsed trachea in May of 2023. Thank you, GG, for so many years of love and laughter. You are missed. In Loving Memory My girl, GG, passed in May from a profound collapsed trachea. She was 17 years young.The house...
Recommended For Your Dog

Recommended For Your Dog

I believe that kindness is the most successful tool a dog owner can use to not only train your dog, but to strenthen the bond between you and your dog. Without kindness, there is only compulsion, and compulsion and trust are mutually exclusive. If your dog cannot...
Burrs in Fur

Burrs in Fur

I wrote this article for another website last year. Spring is here! Time to repost:) Burrs inFurrrs And NOI’m not talkingabout the cold! Have you everspent an invigorating morningon the trailsthen get in the carjust to be confrontedwith THIS? It may look bad,...
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