I believe that kindness is the most successful tool a dog owner can use to not only train your dog, but to strenthen the bond between you and your dog.
Without kindness, there is only compulsion, and compulsion and trust are mutually exclusive. If your dog cannot trust you, you cannot count on your dog obeying you. It is NOT their fault. It is yours.
So, start out on the right foot. Toss that “alpha dog” crap right out the window. Be firm without being fierce. Be a leader, not a tyrant. Use positive training methods. Show your dog love and kindness.
The love, trust and devotion you will get in return is priceless.
For the dog that pulls on leash:

This is a Sense-ation harness. It is AMAZING how well this works! On a walk, your dog wants to go forward at THEIR pace, which is usually a lot faster than your pace! This harness attaches to the front of the dog’s chest. When they move forward, the leash pulls them to the side, turning their body. That’s not the way they want to go! They very quickly learn that they can continue going forward IF they go at a slower pace, so that’s what they do! It is THEIR choice.
Do you have a tiny dog that pulls? A Sense-ation harness will work for you too! I recommend using a 6 foot CAT leash instead of a dog leash. It is lighter and easier to keep from going under your dog’s paws.
Sense-ation harnesses are sold on Amazon and several other websites.
They are made by Softouch Concepts, whose website is not available as of this posting.
Their Facebook page is still up, which has great video how-to’s for fitting and using the harness.
There are other brands on the market that are similar to a Sense-ation harness but with differences. This is the BEST one that I recommend. (FYI, the same company makes another harness, called Sense-ible, that is almost identical, but it is not. It has metal adjusters instead of plastic and with use, the fit of the harness keeps loosening. Don’t get that one.)
If you prefer to buy in your local pet store, look for the Petsafe Easy Walk Harness.
Please, DO NOT put a prong collar or choke collar on your dog. Compelling your dog to obey through the use of pain is not training. And if you use a dog trainer and they recommend either of these, find another trainer.
For a Really Reliable Recall

Really Reliable Recall by Leslie Nelson
I HIGHLY recommend this method!
I have taught quite a few dogs using this method and it WORKS.
Leslie Nelson is the owner of Tails-U-Win in Manchester, CT. Tails is a fantastic positive method training center. They have a wonderful group of trainers and offer a wide range of services. Pet training, agility, scent work, and more! Check them out here.
Really Reliable Recall is available as a booklet or DVD on dogwise.com
For Affordable Meds

Where to purchase medications for your pets is a personal choice. The ONLY recommendation I am making here is that you should do your research and you should discuss with your vet.
If I walk into my vet’s office with a pet with an issue and a medication is recommended, I purchase that med right there at the office. This is what my pet needs NOW and that’s that. If that issue ends up being an ongoing one, like Muira’s copper retention problem, then I shop around for the ongoing meds.
Wedgewood Pharmacy is my go-to for compounded medications. The primary medication Muirna is on is SO much less expensive in a compounded chicken flavored chewable than anything else I could find. BIG thanks to my vet for that recommendation!
SierraPetMeds.com is where I get heartworm/flea/tick meds. Their prices are amazing and no prescription is needed. SierraPetMeds is located in New Zealand, so some things are different; kilograms instead of pounds, and some companies rebrand their products under a different name, and you need to give extra time for shipping. I’ve been using them without a hitch for many years.
Chewy.com and my vet’s online store are where I order prescription food when needed and some prescriptions. The full price is always the same, so I keep my eye on both websites for sale pricing. I always start at Chewy for checking prices for all my pet purchases since they are most often the best deal for high quality products.
GoodRx is what I use when I purchase medications from local pharmacies. I have the app on my phone and can search by medication name to see which pharmacy has the best prices. The GoodRx discount is often substantial and a real money saver. Search while you are still in the vet office and you can have your vet send the prescription right to the pharmacy of your choice, or get a written script and bring it to the pharmacy yourself.
For a Great Dry Food
Voyager Dog Food Co.
Voyagerdogfoodco.com is where I buy the food that all three of my dogs eat. Until discovering this high quality food, Muirna was on a special prescription diet, which was very expensive.
Voyager dog food not only meets Muirna’s dietary requirements, it is a healthier option for all my dogs so this is now the only dry food I need to buy.
A note to Labrador owners:
There is a VERY expensive food out there that is formulated for Labradors. Labs tend to be sensitive to copper like my girl, Muirna. I used to use the food’s large kibbles as dog treats but its just too expensive to feed on a regular basis. Voyager dog food is GREAT for labs and far less expensive.

Voyager Dog Food Co. has treats!
My girls LOVE them!
The treats are considered hard treats but they are
very easy to break into smaller pieces.
Great for training.
And always great to show your dog some love ❤️
More to come!
I’ll keep adding to this post as time allows.
* ANY product or website I recommend is my own opinion. I receive no compensation or commissions.